Vidyānandin I - Collected Information

Uniform Name Vidyānandin I (see Trikha 2012a: 108; JRK: 226; Johrapurkar 1964: 68-73)
Alternative Name
"Vidyānandisvāmin" (AS-VDh 1,1; RORI: II.A: 40)
"Vidyānanda" (ĀPṬ-GL 1,4; Jain, MK 1955/1974: 437; Dixit 1971: 89; TCD 10: 3812; RORI: XXII: 112; JGĀ: 87; BORI, CC)
"Vidyānanda Svāmi" (SMMC: 306; RORI: II.A: 288)
"Vidyānandasūri" (NCC: 29: 124)
"Ācārya Vidyānandī" (KTG: 91)
"Vidyānandiḥ" (RORI: I: 130)
Related Work Work Authored by Vidyānandin I
Nayavivaraṇa (Mahāprajña/Tatia 1984: 176; NC-Sh title) Excerpt of the Tattvārtaślokavārttika that is published independently in NC-Sh
Śrīpurapārśvanāthastotra (NCC: 29: 125) No further remarks NCC 29: 125
Work Ascribed to Vidyānandin I
Aṣṭamandīśvarapūjā (NCC: 29: 124; KTG: 216)
Iṣṭopadeśa (NCC: 29: 124; JGĀ: 170)
Patravākya (JRK: 232)
Pramāṇamīmāṃsā (NCC: 29: 125; Mahāprajña/Tatia 1984: 176) "Is it Pramāṇaparīkṣā?" (NCC 29:125)
Tarkaparibhāṣa (bip: ad Vidyānandin, Dec. 4, 2017)
Tarkaparīkṣā (JGĀ: 90; NCC: 8: 115; JRK: 158)
Tarkaśaila (bip: ad Vidyānandin, Dec. 4 2017)
Related Person Teacher of Vidyānandin I
Contempory of Vidyānandin I
Allegedly identical with Vidyānandin I
Affiliated Group Group to which Vidyānandin I belongs
Related Location Location of a stone inscription mentioning Vidyānandin I
Padmāvati temple (EC: 8.2: 13f. and 147)
Non Categorized Relationship
Rishab Dev, Taluka (jt: October 13, 2014) "The idol of principal deity Bhagwan Rishabh Dev has no sign on the base of it; it proves the idol very ancient. This is also supposed that this idol was reverenced by Acharya Vidyanand in 8th – 9th century. Some ancient petrographs are also found here, that proves that this Kshetra was renovated time to time due to the precepts of Bhattarkas by Digambar devotees." (, October 13, 2014)
Time Vidyānandin I's Productive Period
"9th century" (Dundas 2002: 87)
"940" (Malvania/Soni 2007: 542)
"9th-10th centuries" (Sanghavi 1974/2000: 110)