Rishab Dev, Taluka - Collected Information

Uniform Name Rishab Dev, Taluka (see jt: October 13, 2014) Shri Rishabh Dev Digambar Jain Atishaya Teerth Kshetra Place & Post – Rishabh Dev, Taluka – Khairwara, District – Udaipur (Raj.) Pin–313802
Alternative Name for Rishab Dev, Taluka
"Dhulev" (djo: October 13, 2014)
Person related to Rishab Dev, Taluka Non Categorized Relationship
Vidyānandin I (jt: October 13, 2014) "The idol of principal deity Bhagwan Rishabh Dev has no sign on the base of it; it proves the idol very ancient. This is also supposed that this idol was reverenced by Acharya Vidyanand in 8th – 9th century. Some ancient petrographs are also found here, that proves that this Kshetra was renovated time to time due to the precepts of Bhattarkas by Digambar devotees." (JainTeerth.com, October 13, 2014)
Related Location Location of Rishab Dev, Taluka
Rajasthan (jt: October 13, 2014)