Yuktyanuśāsana – Sources and Digital Resources


Corpora Ancillary Research Corpus  
Jaina Digambara Works  
Siglum YA  
Source YA-IŚ  

YA-IŚ Printed attestation: Samantabhadra-praṇītaṃ Yuktyanuśāsanam. Vidyānanda-viracitayā ṭīkayā samanvitam Indralālaiḥ Śrīlālaiś ca sampāditaṃ saṃśodhitaṃ ca. (MDJG 15). Bombay 1919.  
YA-IŚ-c Digital copy of "YA-IŚ" contained in image resource "ya/t-is"  
YA/T-ht Digital text resource for YA-IŚ  
YA-IŚ-p Transformation of YA/T-ht: Capture of the print edition YA-IŚ  
YA-IŚ-t Transformation of YA/T-ht: Representation of the text of the Yuktyanuśāsana, as attested in YA-IŚ, with no metadata except for page and line references