The implementation of phase I of the project partly relied on a web application that Trikha developed for the project A Study of the Manuscripts of the Woolner Collection, Lahore (SMWC), carried out from 2008 to 2011 at the Department of South Asian, Tibetan and Buddhist Studies (ISTB) at the University of Vienna (FWF project P20268). The web application for this project was conceived under the guidance of O.-Univ.-Prof. Dr. Karin Preisendanz, ISTB and in cooperation with Dr. Dominik Wujastyk and Dr. Thomas Kintaert, both ISTB. Without their knowledge and ideas this web application would not have materialized and the underlying database structure would have suffered from a number of inconsistencies.
The web application SMWC, in turn, relied on scripts and a programming environment that Prof. Dr. Birgit Kellner, now University of Heidelberg, developed for the ISTB website from 2000 to 2009. Trikha was then co-responsible for the administration of the ISTB website and is still grateful today for what he learned from adapting Kellner's codes.