Balbir 1993

Abbreviation Balbir 1993
Citation Balbir, N. Āvaśyaka-Studien. Introduction générale et Traductions. (ANIS 45.1). Wies­baden: Franz Steiner 1993.

This publication is referred to in the database 5 times:
Reference to Balbir 1993 Information referred to in Balbir 1993
15 Reference for Uniform Title Bhagavatī Ārādhanā
22 Alternative Name: "Pannavaṇāsuttaṃ"
75 Alternative Name: "Jinabhadra"
75 Time: "sixth or seventh centuries", Jinabhadragaṇi's Productive Period
85 Time: "twelfth century", Malayagiri's Productive Period